“Dental implant healing stages” are the stages that take place after “implant surgery” , which is seen as the best treatment for tooth loss today . While treatments known as dentures were preferred in the past, technological developments in the field of ” dentistry” have revealed the implant technique.
Although the “Dental implant healing stages” may be affected by some individual factors, healing begins after 1 month in general after the procedure. A period of 8-12 weeks is needed for full recovery.
Post-Implant Healing
the patient is given anesthesia before the operation, “eating after the implant screw is inserted” should not be eaten for two hours. Likewise, liquid food or beverages should not be consumed. So “ Is it possible to brush teeth after the implant screw is inserted ?” In line with the recommendations of the dentist, actions such as spitting and brushing teeth should be avoided for a few hours after the procedure.
Application “post recovery” In fact, it is based on the integration of the dental implant with the jawbone. In this respect, it can be compared to the fusion of broken bones. After healing is achieved, an aesthetic “over implant ” dental prosthesis is made.
After the procedure, the patient’s mouth will also be stitched. So “ In how many days do implant stitches heal?” The suture area in the mouth heals relatively quickly. Generally, the stitches are removed in a period of 1-2 weeks.
“When is the tooth inserted after the implant screw is inserted?” Or “ When is the tooth made after the implant is made?” Although the answer to their questions depends on the speed of recovery, which can also be affected by personal factors, it will take a time in the range of 2 to 3 months.
“Post-implant pain reviews” is a subject that patients are very curious about. Since the gums are deformed at certain “ measurement” levels during the procedure, it is quite normal to experience pain during the healing process. It is also an indication that the body is taking action to heal.

What Should Be Considered After a Dental Implant?
The patient’s care for oral and dental health, correct and effective dental cleaning, and full compliance with the recommendations of the physician ensure that the healing process is faster and more comfortable. The success rate of the application is quite high. However, in some rare cases, the operation may fail. Among “Failed implant symptoms”
- persistent, severe pain,
- Difficulty in chewing
- Prolonged swelling
- Infection or intense inflammation of the gums,
- displaced, playing screw
Such findings are included. If the patient has conditions such as insufficient bone, teeth grinding/clenching, smoking, mouth infection, the success of the procedure may decrease. If such cases are reported to the physician, the success rate can be increased by taking the necessary precautions.
“Implant screw is out, what should I do?” In such cases, a dentist should be consulted. The physician will reschedule the treatment by taking the necessary actions according to the patient’s condition.